Internet Advertising Help by
Internet Advertising Help by
How will Internet and all other businesses compete in the new millennium? The interactive and broadband connectivity of the Internet continues its development as the most pervasive opportunity businesses have ever seen to market to consumers on a true one-to-one basis, if, that is, businesses know how to harness the energy. Unfortunately most do not!
It is now time to really utilize your website as an Internet advertising medium. Chances are if you dont leverage your websites Internet advertising potential, youll be left behind as the web expands. offers Internet advertising help.
Lets review some staggering statistics. Almost everybody knows the web is big and growing, but what are its dimensions? Through 2006, there were 27+ million US businesses, 120 million Internet domain names, 42+ million active web sites, over 4+ billion Internet pages and over 400 billion Internet inquiries made every day. Thats 400 billion! In 2006 new domain registrations increased by an average of 2.1 million per month and Internet users quadrupled from 250 million to 1 billion versus 2000. How can a business even be found in this on-line universe much less be able to correlate all this information into a 1 to 1 marketing advantage, today? And if it isnt tough enough already, how then will a business cope and reach down for customers in a market 10 times larger in 2010 when over 1.8 billion users will make over 4 trillion daily Internet inquiries? Thats 4 trillion! Our 10-plus years of technological and business-based leverage of the Internets capabilities indicates most businesses wont because most have no clue how to leverage this virtual direct market bonanza. More particularly, and sadly, many new web-enabled companies believe that just because they have a website with a shopping cart, the orders will just roll in to them! Orders dont and many of these will augment the typical U.S. new business failure rate of 10% that historically occurs within 18 months of start-up.On the opposite end of the spectrum, if a company is properly set-up to take advantage of this ever-growing market, the reward for getting found on the web is substantial. Today, Internet search engines are the equivalent of electronic phone books of over 4+ billion pages not only names – to our computer savvy population. They are ideal for finding anything and propagating marketing messages anytime if they are properly pointed.
Some key win-result facts:
(1) 80% of all new website traffic traditionally referred to as reach, comes from search engines;
(2) most importantly, 85% of all new Internet revenue transactions, traditionally referred to as lift, start with a search engine;
(3) these reach and lift success ratios translate to Web Marketing reaching searchers/buyers at their Exact “Buying Moment!
Better known as one-on-one selling! Such results correspond to the shopper intersection in a brick and mortar grocery store aisle where 80% of the buyers make purchase decisions while standing in front of the product. (7mark.coms Internet advertisement help can make your phones ring!)
The above win-results are really no surprise given the web delivers to advertisers a non-stop, recurring 24 x 7, one-to-one marketing environment. In fact these win-results created a break through milestone in the advertising and marketing world in 2006. For the first time ever, more advertising dollars were spent on the Internet than Radio, Television and Print combined. In recognition of the above facts, etc., and to not fall prey to a misplaced build it and they will come
Internet attitude, the smart Web Marketers have learned to invest an increasing percentage of their budgets in web advertisement. Advertisement agency reports on their clients 2006 and 2007 web advertisement expenditures stated there was an overall increase of 3% in total web advertisement expenditure.
However, 14% of the companies responding increased web advertisement to 11% to 60% of their overall advertisement. In 2006 these companies had only spent up to 10% of their advertisement budget on web advertisement. On-line advertising will only increase as the web expands, and businesses unable to invest enough know-how and capital will find it increasingly harder to be found on the web much less compete.
So where does the smart Web marketer go? After all, web advertisement comes in many forms at varying costs, but smart Web marketers are learning what knows. The first and your most important Internet advertisement expenditure to get your business found on the web demands Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO). As an example, a February 15, 2008 Dallas Business Journal article describes how one web-smart advertiser decreased his other web advertisement expenditures by 13 % and refocused it exclusively on Organic SEO as the foundation of his advertisement campaign.
The results were a staggering 60% traffic improvement, resulting in 600,000 more hits and a 400% increase in sales. No novice to web advertising, this company had learned to approach the web as a living domain that required solid marketing strategy with Organic SEO Marketing set-up, massaging and monitoring. Properly executed Organic SEO Marketing is comprised of both technical development and marketing application. Correctly implemented, it becomes the virtual market extension of a business plans sales and marketing strategy. As such these comprehensive multiple strategic and tactical steps must be utilized to take advantage of the webs push and pull advertisement opportunities.
Review, Analysis and SEO Planning of your immediate and long-term business goals
Internet Advertising Help: Need Internet advertisement help to unleash your websites Internet advertising potential? Contact us here to learn how we can help with your Internet advertising. For more information.